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Preschool Payments

Use link below to complete payments to the Pirate Preschool program

Preschool Payments

Pre-K Teachers

Tiffany Ashley
Phone | 503-864-2217

Emily Wegner
Phone | 503-864-2217

Contact Us
526 Ferry Street
Dayton, OR 97114
Phone | 503-864-2217
Fax | 503-864-3766


Contact Form

Pirate Preschool Tuition Information

At Dayton Pirate Preschool we strive to help children: build a sense of community in the classroom, learn about themselves and others, and play collectively. Children will have the opportunity to create, explore, discover, solve problems, and participate in interesting work both indoors and outdoors. When children have these opportunities, they will grow as a whole child in all areas of development and be better prepared to enter kindergarten.

Interested families can contact the Dayton Grade School main office.

Pirate Preschool Paid Tuition Information

Students build roads with tracks and toy cars.

Road building and toy cars is a popular station for our students.

Students build items with cardboard boxes and golf tees

All sort of activies are available, including creative ways to use cardboard, play hammers, and gold tees.

Student use markers and whiteboard to experiment with letter shapes, lines, and imagery.

Discovering the writing process begins at a young age. Student use markers and whiteboard to experiment with letter shapes, lines, and imagery.

Our preschool student enjoy the sand pit.

Our preschool student enjoy the sand pit. Don't forget to bring  extra clothes.

Preschool students participating in parallel play using blocks during their independant learning time.

Preschool students participating in parallel play using blocks during their independant learning time.

Students practice mixing material and using their imagination.

Students practice mixing material and using their imagination.

Students enjoy to large paper and shared painting experiences.

Students enjoy to large paper and shared painting experiences. Renowned children's book author and illustrator Eric Carle listed this type of experience as one of his most influential.

First page of the PDF file: preschoolpromise